Vol. 25 No. l (June, 2005) |
Vol. 25 No. 2 (Sep., 2005) |
Vol. 25 No. 3 (Dec., 2005) |
VOl. 25 No. 4 (Mar., 2006) |
VOl. 25 No. 5 (June, 2006) |
Vol. 25 No. 6 (Sep., 2006) |
Vol. 25 No. 7 (Dec., 2006) |
Vol. 25 No. 8 (Mar., 2007) |
Previous studies have relied on semantic categories in existing thesauruses, however, such a conventional method inherit shortcomings. For example, redundancy and absence of categories are observed, because categorization of general vocabulary applied in existing thesauruses does not share the specific perspectives necessary for categorization of verbs.
The present study described verb valence as the researcher constructed original semantic categories. Based on such categorical descriptions of valence, the study identified the semantic categories of NPs and constructed a set of semantic categories critical to the description of verb valence. The study also examined the statistical relationship between the numbers of verb concepts, for which valence was described, and the number of the necessary semantic categories of NPs.
Next, the ``principal-component-analysis method'' was applied to analyze the results of the investigation, 12 magazines were classified into eight style types, and then the hypothesis was examined. The stylistic characteristics of women's magazines are more ``conversational with C:/Documents\ and\ Settings/sirai/quotations -- non-logic lyricism type.'' On the other hand, it is clear that the stylistic characteristics of men's magazines are more ``textual with less quotations -- logic-narrative type''. Generally speaking, the articles in women's magazines are written in a sensitive style, whereas the ones in men's magazines can be interpreted in a logical style. Therefore, it can be proved that the first hypothesis is right.
In the analysis, hybrid honorific functions have been found as well as conventional single honorific functions. The analysis has also revealed that Japanese native speakers vacillate in their judgments of a variety of honorific functions.
On the other hand, the correspondence analysis has divided the honorific functions into four groups (kenjogo-sonjogo, sonkeigo, bikago-teineigo, and neutral one) and the vacillation of the honorific functions has been found in each functional group. Most honorific nouns belong to specific functional groups, whereas there are some honorific nouns which waver among them, that is, they do not follow any pattern that determines under which group they can be classified.
In this investigation, I counted the number of loanwords used in editorials from the Japanese newspapers Asahi Shimbun and Yomiuri Shimbun. I placed the data plots on a time axis, and applied non-linear regression (y = K¡¿(1¡Üa e-bx), called a ``logistic curve'').
The results of this study are as follows: The data plots agree well with the logistic curve. Thus, the logistic curve is one of the theoretical curves that express well the increase in the number of loanwords from the Taisho era to the present day.